No More Drama! How to Build High Engagement, High Morale and a Happier Workplace

2014 Annual Conference
Workplace Application: Learn how to manage the behaviors that undermine productivity, profitability and organizational effectiveness.

Organizations are feeling the pressure to deliver in less time, with fewer resources. Teams are expected to be efficient, engaged and happy. However, the demands of today’s workplace often take a toll on the most important resource of all: your people. Are you ready to manage the high cost of low morale? This session shows you how to end the drama by learning practical solutions to the most common causes of disengagement. Learn how to detach from the dysfunction and drama to be a better you, as well as the difference between people who “have” problems and people who “are” problems. 

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 23, 2014 - 7:00am to 8:15am

Michelle Ray


Michelle Ray is a highly sought-after international business keynote speaker, consultant, author and educator who demonstrates a deep understanding of importance of self-leadership in business and in life. Born in Australia, Michelle began her career in the media industry during the recession of the early 80′s. She was once told by management that she “didn’t have what it takes” to succeed in the business world. Despite a lack of mentors, Michelle was inspired to move up the management ladder to self-employment; creating her own successful international business. She believes that leadership is a state of mind and helps individuals at any stage of their career to master personal leadership…the ability to take charge of oneself first in any situation. Michelle speaks passionately about self – actualization, the importance of outstanding leadership in the workplace and the responsibility of positive communication and influence.

Follow Michelle on Twitter @michelleraycsp.

Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
HR Credit
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
HR Expertise
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