Smart Stage: The Case for Hiring Slow and Firing Fast

2017 Talent Management Conference & Exposition

Many organizations are surprised when they need to fill a position quickly and they end up with a candidate that does not work out. Just as harmful is keeping someone who needs to go.  Unfortunately, both scenarios can be indicators of bigger problems in the organization and can even be a sign that a firm is fundamentally out of alignment. This discussion will reveal the advantages of hiring slow and firing fast and how problems in the hiring and termination process may be a symptom of more fundamental issues that need to be addressed. 

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, April 25, 2017 - 3:50pm to 4:08pm

Lester S. Rosen

Lester S.

Lester S. Rosen is an attorney at law  and CEO of Employment Screening Resources (ESR), a national background screening company.  He is a consultant, writer, expert witness  and frequent presenter nationwide on pre-employment screening. He is the author of “The Safe Hiring Manual,” (3d Edition 2017/826 pages), the first comprehensive book on background screening.  He served as the chairperson of the steering committee that founded the Professional Background Screeners Association (PBSA),  served as its first co-chair and received the PBSA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019. 

Grand Ballroom, East Tower, Ballroom Level
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Session Type: 
Smart Stage
HR Expertise
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