Developing Our Own Talent When There's None to be Found: Creating In-House Talent Solutions

2019 Talent Conference & Exposition
You will learn strategies to assess available workforce talent, identify skills gaps, and create internal and local solutions and partnerships.

Most employers struggle to find talent, but few struggle like production companies with the massive shortage of available labor in the trades. The few students coming from trade schools generally have the broad technical skills needed, but only a few have the “soft skills” necessary to be effective in the workplace. Recognizing the need to do more, one company started its own campaign to develop the next generation of skilled workers, with a combination of in-house technical training programs, enhanced internships, and partnerships with local schools and economic development group to address the talent deficit. Join Wade Larson as he shares the comprehensive strategies of one midsize employer taking on the challenge that all employers either are facing or soon will face.

Learning Objectives:

  • Hear the top employment trends through 2030 and identify the key talent gaps facing employers in all industries.
  • Gain strategies to assess the internal workforce talent pool and measure the workforce capability in the local market to determine the appropriate measures for talent development strategies.
  • Learn how to build an internal skills development curriculum and talent development program that can address the skills gap for current and new employees.
  • Learn best practices to engage local partners, specifically schools and other businesses, to enhance curriculum and skills outcomes of program graduates.
  • Learn how to develop a specific road map with goals and milestones to assess, develop and implement an in-house skills development program to build the current and future workforce.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, April 8, 2019 - 1:15pm to 2:15pm

Wade Larson


Dr. Wade Larson is a workforce consultant and human resources executive with 30-years of experience in strategy, leadership enablement, and talent management. His    expertise in HR and leadership helps organizations improve structures, culture, management, and leadership to achieve their goals. As an international speaker, published author, and professor, he strives to help others achieve the best versions of themselves. Wade has worked with hundreds of organizations and thousands of leaders to shift mindsets, innovate programs, and lead change that helps them do more, achieve more, and live their best lives.


Delta D
Amount of Credit: 
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Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
HR Expertise
Leadership & Navigation
Relationship Management
Intended Audience: 
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