Brexit and Other Mobility Issues in the United Kingdom and European Union

2019 Annual Conference & Exposition
Hear about the impact the Brexit will have on individuals working in the UK and the EU.

With Brexit and the complexities of Immigration policy in the European Union (EU), global HR professionals face significant workforce planning challenges. Restrictions on entry of EU professionals and recent changes to the UK’s Tier 2 system mean UK employers need to find new solutions to meet their workforce needs. The UK government has also issued a white paper outlining its roadmap for the future. At the same time, professionals from the UK face new challenges when looking for work within EU countries. The EU has also updated its posted worker directive, aimed at fair competition, which will impact how employers access talent.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the UK’s Tier 2 system, what options are available within the UK for accessing global talent and the impact Brexit has had on that process.
  • Understand how to register EU citizens in the UK and British citizens overseas.
  • Understand the UK’s white paper outlining its roadmap for the future.
  • Understand the timeline for Brexit, related trade talks and the “backstop” for Northern Ireland.
  • Understand the impact of Brexit on customs and entry for temporary employees and business travelers.
  • Understand how the Council of the European Union’s posted worker directive, aimed at fair competition, affects employers.
  • Best practices for assessing the impact of Brexit on your global workforce and keeping track of impacted professionals.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Julia Onslow-Cole


Julia is a Partner at Fragomen specialising in Global Government Strategies and Compliance. She supports clients worldwide with immigration best practices, global mobility strategies and crisis management.

Julia works closely with governments and business on Brexit and provided expert evidence to the European Parliament. She has represented business at the UK Prime Minister’s immigration stock take meeting and acted as an advisor to the Home Office. Julia sits on SHRM’s Immigration Specialty Panel, the board of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Mayor of London’s Brexit Advisory Group and the Home Office EU Immigration Employer’s Group.

Before joining Fragomen, Julia was a Partner and Head of Global Immigration at PwC leading complex multi-jurisdictional client engagements.

LVCC N227-230
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Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Global & Cultural Effectiveness
HR Expertise
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