The Next Hiring Wave: Navigating the Labor Shortage, Compensation Demands and Diversity

2021 Talent Conference & Expo

Employers continue to face challenges in attracting and retaining talent. This session will focus on the hiring outlook and compensation demands across different locations, industries and jobs through 2021.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the hiring outlook for locations and industries across the U.S., including where hiring activity will increase and which cities will see wage inflations and impact to hiring.
  • Get a deep-dive into talent demands for blue- and white-collar jobs, locations currently experiencing talent shortages and if we will see relief in the near term.
  • Discover opportunities and challenges for meeting diversity initiatives based on type of job and talent supply.
  • Gain insights into challenges and opportunities on the horizon for talent acquisition initiatives.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, August 23, 2021 - 12:40pm to 1:00pm

Jay Denton

Smart Stage: Forum 118
Session Type: 
Smart Stage
Business Acumen
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