Preconference - Learning to Hug a Porcupine – Relationship Building with Lawmakers and How It Helps Your Organization

2021 Workplace Policy Conference

As an HR professional, you are constantly advocating within your organizations, and, as SHRM members, you are often called upon to speak up on behalf of the profession to policymakers.

Are you telling the best workplace story you can? At this training session, you’ll learn how to craft effective messages and deliver them with impact. Make sure you’re the best advocate you can be — at work and on Capitol Hill. Join us!

Learning Objectives:
Participants will:

  1. Learn how HR professionals can positively influence workplace public policy both at work and with lawmakers.
  2. Strengthen storytelling skills to help advocate for critical policy issues that will create better workplaces.
  3. Develop strategies to establish productive relationships and engage elected representatives on policies and programs impacting work, workers, and the workplace.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Sunday, April 18, 2021 - 12:00pm to 12:50pm

Brad Fitch


Bradford Fitch is President and CEO of the Congressional Management Foundation. 

Fitch started his communications career at the age of 16 working at his local AM radio station in Upstate New York and a disc jockey and reporter. After graduate school, he worked as a television reporter in Washington, moving on to Capitol Hill for 13 years as press secretary, legislative director, and chief of staff.  In 2001 he served as Deputy Director of CMF, a non-profit dedicated to improving congressional operations and citizen engagement. He left CMF in 2006 to form a successful internet startup, before returning to CMF in 2010.

Fitch frequently quoted in national media outlets on how Congress works. He is also is the author of Citizen’s Handbook to Influencing Elected Officials and Media Relations Handbook for Agencies, Associations, Nonprofits and Congress.

Session Type: 
Preconference Offering
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