Book Signing

2023 Annual

Get your books signed in W1 by the SHRMStore.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 1:00pm to 1:20pm

Robert Bogue


Robert Bogue has led change projects for three decades. As a recovering technologist, he’s changed the way people work as he changed the technology. He’s the author of 28 books and has been a Microsoft MVP for 20 years. His work has transformed corporations, government, and quasi-government organizations. It’s not about the technology, but he leverages his strength in technology and human systems to create change that is sustainable and transformative for organizations of all sizes and shapes.

Terri Bogue


Terri Bogue has a passion for helping people be healthy and happy, both physically and emotionally. As a clinical nurse specialist with over 30 years of experience in nursing, she understands how difficult healthcare and life is for patients and providers. Through this experience, she has developed tools that support healthcare providers in delivering effective and compassionate care to their patients and themselves and reducing healthcare-associated infections. She inspires people to learn what boundaries are and how to maintain them, both professionally and personally, cool down a conflict during heated situations, and prevent and recover from burnout. 

Session Type: 
Book Signing
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