Leading Organizations Through Times of Substantial Change

Session Sponsor: 
2023 Annual
Attendees will explore the powerful Leading Change Model and learn practical leadership approaches and skills for navigating change while supporting their teams in an ever-changing world.

Change has become a near certainty within the last several years, yet responding to change is still challenging. From moving businesses and employees to a virtual environment to shifting societal demands and expectations, change remains a constant in our lives. This presentation will focus on how to lead and thrive through the inevitable twists and turns that exist in today’s organizations.

Attendees will walk away with: - A deeper appreciation for the change process and their role in making the process a positive experience for themselves and their team members. - An understanding of how they can help others navigate through and accelerate the change process. - Immediately usable skills that they can employ to help their team members respond to and thrive in periods of substantial organizational change.

Sponsored by Bluepoint

In-person session offerings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

To view all event accessibility & accommodations details visit here.

If a speaker has provided session materials, please visit https://presentations.shrm.org

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 12, 2023 - 4:15pm to 4:45pm

Joan Peterson

HR Solutions Theatre (W4)
Session Type: 
Exhibitor Theatres
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