
2023 Volunteer Leaders' Business Meeting

Start the day off with a breakfast buffet alongside your fellow Volunteer Leaders. 

Breakfast Buffet includes:

  • Freshly brewed coffee, decaf, tazo tea, ice tea; assorted orange, grapefruit, cranberry juices
  • Seasonal sliced fruit and berries, danishes, croissants, New York style bagels, assorted muffins, honey, preserves, whipped butter, steel cut oatmeal (brown sugar, nuts, berries, dried fruit on the side)
  • Scrambled eggs, smoked bacon, chicken sausage, breakfast potatoes, assorted Chobani yogurts, with granola/honey 
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Friday, November 17, 2023 - 7:30am to 8:30am
Salon 5-6
Session Type: 
Meal Times
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