Uncovering Unconscious Bias

HR Reimagined: SHRM Northern California Annual Conference 2021

We live in a rapidly changing world that rewards flexible thinking, conceptualizing, and sensemaking. This course aims to teach you ways to see beyond your perceptions and explore and implement alternatives. The workshop gives you greater flexibility to examine, understand, change your worldview and expand your horizon. This 60-minute workshop offers you the tools to create that flexibility.

Learning objectives include how bias affects workplace relationships and decision-making, how bias can affect choices at work, conduct personal social network analysis, and develop new practices and skills to minimize bias in business decisions.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Friday, September 24, 2021 - 12:45pm to 1:45pm

Lorne Epstein, SHRM SCP

Epstein, SHRM SCP


Lorne Epstein, SHRM-SCP, MSOD, is a social scientist, keynote, and Vistage speaker who consults with senior leaders on improving decision-making outcomes by reducing biases. Over 50,000 professionals have taken his workshops worldwide. He has been quoted in Forbes, Cosmopolitan, Christian Science Monitor, and other publications. His research focuses on improving decision-making and reducing the impacts of unconscious bias in the workplace. Lorne has been leading experiential workshops since 1993. His book, You're Hired! Interview Skills to Get the Job has been downloaded over a half-million times worldwide. Lorne is currently studying cognitive neuroscience at the master’s level at George Mason University. He was admitted to the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and Psi Chi, The National Honor Society of Psychology.

I was a talent acquisition leader for 23 years supporting teams in the United States, Brazil and India. Many of my teams won awards for their performance. I wrote the National Talent Acquisition and Diversity Hiring plan for the United States Forest Service.

Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Ethical Practice
Intended Audience: 
All Levels
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