It's a Journey: Creating a Culture of Inclusion

Inclusion 2019: Shifting Workplace Culture
Determine which stage of evolution your organization is at in relation to diversity and culture to develop more targeted solutions for creating a culture of inclusion.

Every organization is at a different point in their diversity & inclusion journey. Understanding the mindset and focus of each stage, and the separate realities individuals operate in, is essential to moving your organization forward with practical and tailored solutions. But underlying inclusivity is culture, and knowing where you are on the culture continuum today will help you determine the level of cultural evolution you need to build a fully integrated and balanced organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand and place your own organization on the diversity continuum.
  • Recognize the mindset shifts that need to be made to support D&I as your organization progresses through the stages.
  • Recognize the separate realities individuals operate within and the importance of building strong communication structures that cross multiple boundaries.
  • Understand and place your own organization on the culture continuum.
  • Gain a framework and language to engage senior leaders in the development of a fully equitable organization.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, October 28, 2019 - 10:15am to 11:45am

Anne Comer


Anne Comer is a Vice President with Senn Delaney, a Heidrick & Struggles company. She has helped clients ranging from small non-profits to Fortune 500 companies shape healthier, higher performing cultures in Canada, the US, Europe and Asia. With over 25 years of experience in human resources and corporate leadership, consulting and education, Anne now focuses on her passion for guiding leaders, organizations and teams to create a healthy environment in which all people can thrive and enjoy the satisfaction of achieving strong and sustainable results.

Balcony IJK (Fourth Floor)
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Global & Cultural Effectiveness
Leadership & Navigation
Intended Audience: 
Beginner (Committing to I&D)
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