Keeping DEI Strong During Volatile Times

Session Sponsor: 
Participants will learn 2-3 strategies to navigate turbulent times and make the case to keep DEI a valuable part of their organization.

In-person session offerings are on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is limited.

To view all event accessibility & accommodations details, visit here.

Just three years after the killing of George Floyd set off a slew of corporate pledges to prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, organizational programming around DEI is facing legal and political threats. Some companies are doubling down on their DEI efforts and others are adopting a wait-and-see attitude. Others are nervous that their efforts may be diminished or even eradicated. Chief Diversity Officers are also operating within an environment of global economic uncertainty, where their work can be marginalized. In the absence of a clear connection to business outcomes, DEI work is particularly vulnerable to economic and sociocultural upheaval. How can today’s CDOs and DEI teams make the case for the power of their work to an audience that is fixated on bottom line profits? Seramount’s latest research shows how linking DEI to urgent business goals can bolster DEI’s value to the company and the importance of moving beyond the conventional understanding of “the business case” for diversity.

Learning Objectives:

  • Insights into ways to use negative or volatile situations to your benefit and bolster your value to the organization.
  • Proven strategies from several CDOs who have been able to navigate turbulent times and come out ahead.
  • In-dept industry-specific case studies showing how to move beyond the business case to specific business drivers.

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All virtual sessions inherently run the risk of audio or visual issues due to factors out of our control. If any technical difficulties arise, we appreciate your patience and understanding as we work diligently to resolve it. All virtual sessions, unless marked as "LIVE ONLY" or "VIRTUAL LIVE ONLY", are recorded and will be available to view on demand until December 1, 2023.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, October 30, 2023 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Katie Oertli Mooney

Katie Oertli

Katie Oertli Mooney, Managing Director at Seramount, is an accomplished DEI leader and thought partner with expertise in driving strategy, planning, and programs. Before joining Seramount, she served as Vice President of Jennifer Brown Consulting. There, Katie was responsible for the firm’s successful consulting project delivery to clients including the Fortune 1000, government agencies, startups, and nonprofits.Prior to that, she managed the DEI enterprise learning and development strategy at Capital One to support historically underrepresented talent and communities of color.Katie has a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management with a concentration on Diversity and Inclusion Management from Georgetown University. She is based in Seattle, WA.

Oglethorpe Auditorium
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Business (Behavioral)
Leadership (Behavioral)
Organization (Technical)
Intended Audience: 
Advanced (Elevating I&D)
Intermediate (Fostering I&D)
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