Creativity for Competitive Advantage: Using the Techniques of Innovators to Generate New Ideas
All innovation starts with great ideas. You may be number one now, but if you're not innovating, your competition is, and they will knock you out of the lead. To stay ahead you need to constantly reinvent and have new ideas ready to go. Austin makes innovation fun, educational, and interactive. You will be excited about creating, and will come back with hands-on knowledge you can use to solve problems, create new products & services, and learn new ways of doing business that will boost your company's bottom line.
Julie Austin
Julie Austin is an award-winning author, inventor, and multiple business owner. Her patented product, swiggies, wrist water bottles, have been a NASDAQ product of the year semi finalist and are currently sold in 24 countries. She's appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX News, along with dozens of TV shows, magazines and radio shows around the world. She's a "go-to" media expert in the fields of innovation & creativity, and is featured in the books "Patently Female" and "Girls Think of Everything". Her book "The Money Garden: How to Plant the Seeds for a Lifetime of Income" is available on Amazon.
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