Using Social Media to Increase Collaboration, Productivity and Engagement
How can you support the business goal of increased productivity while improving employee engagement? By taking the leap to introduce social media into your organization. Social media provides the potential to encourage employees to connect, share content, offer ideas, ask questions and solve problems. This session is designed to help you understand how trends such as social networking, mobile devices and even video games are changing employees' expectations about communicating inside organizations. You will learn how leading companies use social media to motivate employees, and how you can leverage participation techniques to reach new levels of engagement.
Alison Davis
Alison sets the strategic direction for her firm, leads the development of new products and services, and provides senior counsel to clients such as BNY Mellon, ITT, Johnson & Johnson, MasterCard, Merck and PepsiCo.
She is co-author of The Definitive Guide to HR Communication (FT Press, 2011), and co-author of Your Attention, Please (Adams Business, 2006). Davis is a former online columnist for The New York Times and frequently writes articles for business publications, including The Conference Board Review, Communication World and PR Strategist. In 2009, she was rated a top speaker at the SHRM Annual Conference.
Alison is a member of the International Association of Business Communicators, the Public Relations Society of America and the Communication Leadership Exchange. Alison earned her B.A. from Douglass College, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
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