Child Care, Dependent Car, Elder Care

Senior Provider Network

The Senior Providers Network is a specialized employee assistance program dedicated to helping employees who are faced with navigating the difficulties of providing care for an older loved one. This is a $30B problem for businesses and they don't realize it. Stop by for a FREE ROI Assessment.

Milk Stork

Milk Stork is the first breast milk shipping and toting service for business traveling, breastfeeding moms. An affordable, turnkey, employee benefit, Milk Stork helps family-friendly companies attract and retain employees while providing working moms with an easy-to-use solution that helps them maintain their commitment to breastfeeding.

KinderCare Education At Work

KinderCare Education at Work brings the nation's most trusted child care provider to work, partnering with employers to create flexible family care options that meet their talent strategy needs.

Home Instead Senior Care

Companies that support a healthy work/life balance recognize the growing trend of employees with eldercare responsibilities. With the assistance of Home Instead Senior Care, companies are providing a solution to support employees while increasing productivity in the workplace. Let Home Instead, the leader in senior caregiving, be your trusted partner.


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