Jonathan Segal
Jonathan is a partner at Duane Morris LLP in its Employment Group. Jonathan also is the managing principal of the Duane Morris Institute, which provides business-focused training on myriad employment issues.
Jonathan has trained federal judges across the country on employment issues for more than 20 years. Most recently, Jonathan provided formal training at a Judicial Conference to federal circuit and district judges on the new provisions in the Judicial Code of Conduct as they relate to discrimination, harassment, retaliation, reporting and abusive conduct.
Jonathan has been cited as a national authority on employment issues in articles in SHRM, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Harvard Business Review, USAToday, Bloomberg, Forbes, Associated Press, Reuters, Business Week, CNN, Money, SHRM, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and The Philadelphia Business Journal, among many other publications.
On behalf of SHRM, Jonathan has testified before the EEOC as well as the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues
Jonathan was appointed by the EEOC to its Select Task Force on Harassment.
Jonathan was a member of SHRM’s Compensation Equity Committee.
Jonathan has published more than 400 articles on third party platforms, including for SHRM, Bloomberg, Fortune and Entrepreneur.
Jonathan’s personal passions include animal rescue. To adopt one shelter animal is to save a universe,
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