Who Wants to be a Marketer? Beginner - Intermediate

2020 Volunteer Leaders' Business Meeting

No need to phone a friend. Join SHRM marketing experts as we highlight top tips and tricks for membership audiences—from acquisition through renewal. Discover marketing best practices as we dive into lead generation, email, websites and direct mail. Need an extra life-line? Get a copy of our free marketing resources PDF. Discover marketing best practices as we dive into lead generation, email, websites and direct mail.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - 1:10pm to 2:00pm

Brittany Hink


Brittany Hink is a data-driven marketer with her Master of Arts in Mass Communications with a specialization in Audience Analytics from the University of Florida. As a senior marketing specialist, she contributes to the overall membership marketing strategy and manages the development and execution of the membership acquisition plan for SHRM. During her free time, she likes to travel the world and is always taking recommendations from fellow globetrotters!

Rachel Kopfstein


Rachel Kopfstein is a foward-driven senior marketing specialist with a focus on digital marketing and automation. While she currently focuses on activating and elevating  SHRM's member retention campaigns, she's worked full circle with SHRM membership, having previously led marketing campaigns for membership acquisition and engagement.

Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
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