Elevate Leadership featuring Magi Graziano

HR Reimagined: SHRM Northern California Annual Conference 2022

For almost any astute leader, it’s easy agree that we’ve inherited an outdated model of leadership. An old “command and control” model that is slow, clumsy, and ineffective. Especially in our rapidly changing, unpredictable markets.

What used to be state of the art has become obsolete. Not only has it stopped working, but it’s the greatest threat for most organizations. The longer we cling to it the faster it makes our organizations obsolete and irrelevant.

If we’re going to outperform our markets, we need a new, elevated leadership model. One the creates a culture of deep collaboration, rapid innovation, and intrinsic motivation.

Attendees will walk away with the following:

  • A clear understanding of exactly why trying harder without elevating your leadership model makes things worse instead of better.
  • How to identify and escape the invisible ‘forcefield’ that is hijacking your people’s time, attention, and energy.
  • How to rise into the upper levels of personal, group, and organizational effectiveness
  • How to move everyone in the organization into higher performance – where they’re highly competent and highly engaged
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 - 10:00am to 11:00am

Magi Graziano


Magi The Evolutionist

Catalyst for Positive Change

Personal - Interpersonal - Team - Organizational

Using a unique combination of experiential coaching, science-backed development tools, and actionable strategies, Magi empowers leaders to evolve themselves and their organizational culture to meet the moment. Whether it’s change initiatives, new leadership, or cultural transformation, she partners with teams to catalyze positive change.

Magi has spent her life reinventing herself. From a single mother at 19 working at the first Cable TV company, to leading one of the fastest growing consultancies and becoming a best selling author in her field of expertise, Magi has continually taken challenges and failure as lessons and learned to move beyond her limits (both real and perceived) to live a life that inspires and contributes. Her body of work cuts through the personal, group, and organizational malaise stifling happiness, joy, and fulfillment at work. Her uplifting talks and groundbreaking courses uncover, catalyze, and optimize human potential, unite teams, and raise organizational effectiveness. 


Big Sur 1-2
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
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