John Borbi

In 1995, Borbi began his journey as a financial advisor at a full financial services firm and would eventually manage close to $100 million in assets for his own clients. His income grew from $28,000 in his first year to $500,000 seven years later; this dramatic rise of income would prove to be his downfall and led to some poor ethical choices. When the stock market fell in 2001, Borbi's began to cover his clients’ losses by transferring assets illegally and committing wire fraud. He was caught when his biggest client noticed the illegal transfers. This crime lead to a 30 month sentence in Federal prison. Borbi’s life took an extreme turn and he lost everything. He returned to society a pariah, banned from the investment community forever, a felon who would always be looked at differently, having to rebuild his life financially, gain new friends, reestablish his credibility, and tell his two young children where he had been for 2 years. Borbi is now sharing his mistakes with the intent to help people make strong ethical choices and live each day without regrets.
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