Measure the True Impact of Learning - All the way to ROI!

HR Reimagined: SHRM Northern California Annual Conference 2023

"Measuring the Learning" is the number one concern of learning professionals worldwide. Without serious measurement to prove value, learning programs can feel like a "nice-to-have". However... if you have PROOF that your learning programs are also smart business decisions, it's much easier to get leadership on board, and you look like a superstar.

In this engaging hands-on experience, the experts from Gravity Learning take learning out of the "squishy" category and show you how (step-by-step) to create credible learning measurements-all the way up to ROI. Yes, you read that correctly. It's totally possible to get real ROI measurements out what some people call "soft skills."

We all know that learning initiatives are valuable, but it's been hard to PROVE to leadership, until now. Don't worry, you don't have to be a math person to make this stuff work. You're going to love this session.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, October 2, 2023 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm

David Lieberman


I co-pilot Gravity Learning as we design, deliver, and oversee fantastic (ahem!) in-person and remote learning programs for mid and large organizations. We specialize in soft "people" skills, management, systems, software process, product, and compliance.

My belief is that all learning should be based in science, not trends or common knowledge. But, that's not enough. It must also be engaging, skill-focused, and measured to the point of "proof". Learning without measurement is just a wish.

And... fun. Let's have fun while we're here on this Earth.

I've been a bit of an obsessive generalist my whole life. An insatiable desire to learn, grow, and share learning with others has come in handy in the learning industry. I nerd out on learning and how humans work, project management, time management, emotional management, classroom management, people management, and... basically all of the managements. If I had to pick a favorite, my main area of interest is the exquisite art of teaching and learning design.

A Gravity, we solve problems inherent in the way companies traditionally do learning. We do that by focusing on how humans actually learn AND how business decisions are made. We’ve innovated a multi-touch and ROI focused approach to learning that Gravity uses to build and support workshops. I also thought-partner to help supercharge (and sometimes totally revamp) internal learning departments for our clients.

I ride a Onewheel electric skateboard around the neighborhood like some kind of teenager. I have three wonderful dogs and one of them is named David Lieberman Junior. My Google Fu is strong.

Dry Creek Valley II
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
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