Be AWARE: Master your “Inner Critic”
Is your “Inner Critic” holding you back in the workplace? Do you seek and utilize reflective and in-the-moment self-knowledge? Do you recognize the value you bring
One of the foundational hurdles that women leaders must overcome is the “Inner Critic,” which is the critical voice in our head that informs how we feel and how we act. The “Inner Critic” causes us to go “one down”—when we feel we are inadequate or not enough—or “one up”—when we feel we are better than those around us.
During this keynote session, we will dive into the “Inner Critic” and get a glimpse of how this hurdle impacts our leadership—and all the other hurdles to advancement. We will also explore how the “Aware” leadership competency will empower women leaders to scale this hurdle. The woman leader who fully accesses the “Aware” leadership competency is open-minded, unlimited in thinking about her own potential to achieve, and knows how to best leverage her strengths to meet goals.
Shannon Bayer

Shannon Bayer, JD, is a Principal Consultant with over a decade of consulting and facilitation experience. Shannon brings in-depth expertise and a passion for designing and implementing programs focused on advancing women in leadership—and empowering each leader with the knowledge they need to transform how they show up in their role and drive change in their organization. Shannon has led strategic engagements across a variety of industries, ranging from government to financial services, healthcare, insurance, and consumer products and goods.
As a keynote speaker, Shannon brings stories from her personal leadership journey to the forefront, connecting her real-life experiences and work with leaders globally to key leadership concepts designed to help participants reflect on their own journey and take control of their path forward.
Shannon holds a BS in animal science from the University of Vermont and a JD in international law from Suffolk University.
Shannon was a rower in college and still loves to get on the water when she can. She enjoys spending time outdoors and will travel for a good hike or beach day with her dog and son, Max. Currently, Shannon resides in the greater Indianapolis, IN, area of the US after living in New England for over 25 years.
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