“Volunteer Paradise”: Oxymoron or SHRM Leadership Imperative?
Imagine Volunteer Paradise…your chapter full of highly engaged volunteers who are satisfied, energized & productive…they take initiative, step up to get the work done and consistently follow through on projects. Sound too good to be true in these topsy-turvy times? It’s not! If you are looking for real-world strategies for moving your volunteer team toward full engagement, then please join Vicki Hess at the Closing Luncheon. Hess will share three must haves for engaging volunteers: 1) embracing engagement, 2) creating positive connections with volunteers and 3) supporting and maintaining ongoing action. At the end of this interactive, engaging & enlightening keynote, not only will you feel refreshed & inspired...you'll also have a proven methodology for creating a culture of high engagement for yourself and other volunteers. Through humor, interactive exercises and story telling you will receive solid take-away tools for use throughout your volunteer leadership tenure.
Vicki Hess

Vicki Hess is an expert in employee engagement, team dynamics, and workforce and leadership development. A registered nurse with more than 30 years of hands-on professional experience include healthcare, consulting & sales. Hess is a Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), the speaking profession’s international standard for platform skill.
In 2011 & 2012, Speaking.com named Hess a ”Top 5 Healthcare Speaker”. Hess holds a Master’s Degree in Human Resource Development from Towson University and was an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University Graduate School of Business for five years. Hess is the author of SHIFT to Professional Paradise: 5 Steps to Less Stress, More Energy & Remarkable Results at Work and the The Nurse Manager’s Guide to Hiring, Firing & Inspiring . She is also a regular contributor to the Baltimore Business Journal and NurseTogether.com
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