Lisa Nitsch

Lisa serves as Director of Clinical Services & Education at House of Ruth Maryland. Lisa is responsible for oversight of adult therapeutic services, children’s therapy, residential childcare, intervention programs for perpetrators of intimate partner violence, and the agency’s Training Institute. Lisa oversees the day-to-day operation of these programs and coordinates new program initiatives to improve the quality and scope of services.
Lisa has been with House of Ruth Maryland since 1998 and her emphasis on a family perspective for addressing intimate partner violence was cause for an invitation to the White House in March of 2010 to consult on federal legislation regarding responsible fatherhood programs and domestic violence. She served as the Vice President of the national organization, Women in Fatherhood, for over six years and as Chair of Maryland’s Abuse Intervention Collaborative for ten years. She currently serves on the Governor’s Family Violence Council and Baltimore City’s Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team.
Lisa demonstrates strength in creating collaborative partnerships between programs that have historically conflicting agendas and provides technical assistance in this area to programs across the country.
Lisa is a Baltimore City native and is proud to continue to live and work there with her incredibly patient husband and gentle pit bull.
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