Anne Weisberg
Anne Weisberg is the Senior Vice President for Strategy at Families and Work Institute. She is a recognized thought leader and executive who has designed innovative practices to build effective, inclusive work environments, including co-authoring the best selling Mass Career Customization: Aligning the Workplace With Today’s Nontraditional Workforce (HBS, 2007). She directed the seminal research on women in the legal profession, Women in Law: Making the Case (Catalyst, 2001), and has authored numerous other pieces, including The Gender Dividend: Making the Business Case for Investing in Women (Deloitte, 2011), and Paths to Power: Advancing Women in Government (Deloitte, 2010), andEverything a Working Mother Needs to Know (Doubleday, 1994), a guide for women who have careers and are starting families and all the issues they face at work. She has appeared on the TODAY Show, is regularly quoted in the media, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Boston Globe, and is a sought after speaker, having presented at the Conference Board, The Best Places to Work, Working Mother, Princeton University, The Wharton School, Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School.
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