Beverly Kaye

Dr. Kaye's name is recognized internationally as one of the most invested, knowledgeable and practical professionals in the areas of career development, employee engagement & retention, and mentoring. A dynamic and committed keynote speaker, Bev's presentations engage participants, stimulate learning and inspire action.
With her organization, Career Systems International, she has developed a powerful suite of talent solutions that continue to help organizations reduce costs associated with talent loss and underperformance. They are also designed to foster a culture of support for individuals, managers and leaders. Her clients, representing nearly 60% of the Fortune 1000 organizations, include such leaders as Covidien, HP, Ingersoll Rand, Morrison Healthcare, WW Grainger, and USAA.The resilient processes and offerings link directly to business strategies and increase productivity and profitability to deliver the best returns on investment.
Prior to earning a doctorate at UCLA, Dr. Kaye did graduate work in organization development at MIT Sloan School of Management and has taught executive seminars at UCLA and USC.
Bev has spent years researching corporate strategies for developing, retaining and engaging knowledge workers. Her book, Love 'Em or Lose 'Em: Getting Good People to Stay, coauthored with Sharon Jordan-Evans, has sold over 600,000 copies in 25 languages and has reached Wall Street Journal and Amazon best seller status. Their companion book, Love It, Don't Leave It: 26 Ways to Get What You Want at Work suggests that employee engagement is also the responsibility of the individual contributor. Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go: Career Conversations Employees Want coauthored with Julie Winkle Giulioni was published in 2012. Her most recent book is Hello Stay Interviews, Goodbye Talent Loss was published in 2015. These books are the foundation for Career Systems International's successful practice in career development, employee engagement and retention. Learn Like a Leader, edited by Dr. Kaye, offers rich lessons on learning to lead, overcoming setbacks, remaining open to change, mentoring, developing self-awareness and more. The Many Facets of Leadership was also edited by Dr.Kaye, and addresses leadership challenges as shared by some top thought leaders. Designing Career Development Systems was another classic book co-authored by Dr. Kaye.
In 2011, Bev was appointed to the Chief Learning Officer magazine’s Business Intelligence Board. In recognition for her ground-breaking and continual contributions to workplace learning over the past two decades, Bev received the 2010 Distinguished Contribution to Workplace Learning and Performance Award by the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). They also honored her as a “Legend” and pioneer in the area of career development in 2007.
She has also received many honors and awards including the National Career Development Award of the American Society for Training and Development. In 2011, CSI’s client NetApp, was honored for its retention effort with a clear $12 million bottom-line boost, as the Workforce Optimas Awardee for financial impact. Her organization also received the ASTD Best Practice Award for work with clients Bechtel, Chevron, Dow Corning, and First USA.
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