Dan Pontius


For more than 25 years, Daniel has dedicated himself to helping children and youth navigate various health needs, with a particular focus on mental health challenges. As a co- founder of Choose Mental Health, a nonprofit with the national voice for children's mental health, his goal is to fundamentally transform how America addresses this critical issue. For Daniel, this cause is deeply personal, as he has seen firsthand the devastating impact that mental health struggles can have on young people, including the tragic loss of life by suicide. Unfortunately, mental health is stigmatized and marginalized by society, leaving children and youth feeling ashamed and unsupported. However, Daniel is committed to changing this by rallying a national community of businesses and supporters to break the shame and stigma by creating resources and funding for mental health treatment. His ultimate aim is to bring good mental health to as many children and youth as possible and he welcomes anyone who shares his vision to join the movement and save lives.