Mary Himmelstein, PhD

Dr. Himmelstein graduated from Rutgers, New Brunswick in 2016 with a PhD in social-health psychology followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Health. She joined the faculty at Kent State in 2019. Prior to her graduate studies she worked as a lab manager for the nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman on wellbeing and provided support for his book Thinking Fast and Slow.
Dr. Himmelstein also worked as a data analyst for the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study at Princeton. Dr. Himmelstein’s current work focuses on weight stigma through an intersectional lens. She explores how individuals with multiple marginalized identities experience weight stigma as well as other forms of prejudice and discrimination. In turn she examines how stigma influences health behavior related to cardioembolic disease, stress, and interactions with the healthcare system.
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