Mike Jackson


Mr. Jackson is currently SHRM’s manager of employee experience, overseeing employee relations and engagement for SHRM 400-plus employees around the world. Prior to starting this role in September 2019, Mike was the manager in charge of SHRM's J-1 Exchange Visitor Program and administered the intern and trainee programs sponsored under SHRM's J-1 visa designation. Previously, Mike oversaw the J-1 visa program for the Council for Global Immigration (CFGI), which was a SHRM strategic affiliate organization. Before joining SHRM and CFGI, Mike was the University Relations Manager for the Association for International Practical Training (AIPT) and was the program manager in charge of operating the U.S. affiliate of the International Association for the Exchange Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) program. Previously, he served as the Communications and Outreach Officer at the Washington, DC-based Middle East Institute (MEI) and has also worked at the University of Southern California's School of International Relations and at Powell Tate | Weber Shandwick Public Affairs. Mike holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History from The George Washington University and a Master's degree in Public Diplomacy from the University of Southern California.