Shaunda Zilich
Shaunda has a passion in everything she does to impact people’s lives… …for the better of course. She does enjoy her career but she enjoys life more! She enjoys life everyday by not taking things too seriously, making people laugh, speaking at events, helping people learn from her mistakes and successes, volunteering to transform her community, taking part in local events (like the Bourbon Chase and music festivals), and more important than life itself is her faith and family.
Her passion to leave a positive impact on people’s lives is why her role at GE as the Global Employment Brand Leader suits her well. As she puts it… ‘she sells experiences, what can be better than that?’.
Her ‘past lives’’ include roles in marketing businesses and people in a number of industries. This has given her the experience outside of HR to do what she does today for GE. Four years ago, Shaunda started this adventure with GE to modernize its recruitment and bolster its employer brand. Now she runs a global team of three full-time employment brand leaders and a council of 35+ members, building employer branding across all functions and regions, in all GE businesses, and within all GE employees (big shoes!) Her 10+ years of past experience in training professionals and companies on how to brand themselves have played a key role in her success at GE.
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