Work Is a Relationship, Act Accordingly

2018 Talent Conference & Exposition

Work has been defined in many ways over the years: a contract, a transaction, a value exchange. This led to describing humans as capital and designing systems of management that treat people like financial assets. Is it any wonder that employees’ feeling of engagement within these organizations continues to drop? It doesn’t feel good to be treated like an investment to be maximized.


To reverse this trend requires that we understand what work is for employees, a relationship, and a critically important one. Research has shown us that employees crave the same things from work that they do from other important relationships in their lives: appreciation, connection, acceptance, communication, and support. In this presentation, we will explore how viewing the employee work experience through the lens of a relationship will focus your employee engagement efforts for greater impact.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, April 16, 2018 - 1:30pm to 1:48pm

Jason Lauritsen

Jason Lauritsen a keynote speaker, author, and consultant.  He is an employee engagement and workplace culture expert who will challenge you to think differently. 

A former corporate Human Resources executive, Jason has dedicated his career to helping leaders build organizations that are good for both people and profits.
Most recently, he led the research team for Quantum Workplace’s Best Places to Work program where he has studied the employee experience at thousands of companies to understand what the best workplaces in the world do differently than the rest.
Jason is the co-author of the book, Social Gravity: Harnessing the Natural Laws of Relationships. Connect with Jason at  


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Smart Stage
Relationship Management
HR Expertise
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