The Flip Side of Failure: How Not to Lose Your Top Talent and Competitive Advantage

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition
Most organizations' failure phobia results in competitive, blaming and toxic behaviors that squash innovative and cause top talent to leave.

Failure isn't something we like to talk about, let alone experience. We play it safe. We contain our expectations. We hide it and wonder 'what's wrong with me?' or 'what's wrong with this place?' What if, instead, we could ACCEPT failure as an inevitable, undeniable reality, and by doing so, build failure-resiliency in our organizations? Through powerful stories of greatness, from Everest Climbers to 3M Scholars, from award-winning Journalists to Olympians, learn how failure was their gateway to success. And how these transferrable lessons can be for your company culture. In this energizing and entertaining presentation (with a few fun twists), awaken possibilities, deepen connections, and improve individual and organizational performance by seeing greatness in a while new light.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand how to build failure resiliency versus resistance with the ACCEPT model.
  • Learn how our brains are hardwired to make us not fail, and simple hacks you can utilize to help unlock.
  • Appreciate that (counterintuitively) organizational cultures that embrace failure actually are healthier, more innovative and desirable places to work with and for.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2020 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Sarah McVanel


Sarah McVanel helps organizations leverage the exponential power of recognition to retain top talent & delight customers. She has a BA (Psych), MSc (Family Relations) & certifications in Human Resources, Organizational Development, Coaching. She is also one of only 1500 people worldwide with her CSP – Certified Speaking Professional – designation. Sarah left a senior leadership role 5 years ago to launch Greatness Magnified, leaving more time to speak, author books, tap dance, and enjoy her hubby Mark & kids Justin & Simonne.

Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Critical Evaluation
Leadership & Navigation
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