LGBTQ+ Knowledge for the HR Professional: Awareness, Etiquette and Best Practices

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition
Evolving frontiers in sexual and gender identity and expression demand an expanded HR awareness and understanding.

Although efforts have been made in recent years to advance equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, and other gender and sexual minorities, there are still many instances where LGBTQ+ people find themselves excluded, unwelcome, and uncomfortable in the workplace. According to the Human Rights Campaign, an average of 50% of employees report hiding their sexual orientation at work due to hostility, prejudice, discrimination and mistreatment in the workplace. During this interactive session attendees will:

  • Become more familiar with the most current LGBTQ+ inclusive terminology;
  • Understand the differences among these and other terms:  sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, gender   identity, and gender expression;
  • Discuss workplace issues including equal employment laws, policy recommendations, bathroom inclusion requirements, as well as data collection and reporting best practices;
  • Discuss specific human resources scenarios that involved LGBTQ+ workers; and
  • Walk away with concrete strategies to create more welcoming and inclusive workplaces for LGBTQ+ employees.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2020 - 10:30am to 12:00pm

Tara B. Taylor

Tara B.

Tara Taylor, MPA, is the Managing Director of ADR Vantage, Inc., a woman-owned consulting firm based in Washington, D.C., that supports clients across the U.S. through conflict management, organizational effectiveness and leadership development, diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA) practices, as well as training and coaching. Tara holds a B.A. in Organizational Communication, an M.A. in Management & Public Administration and is a professional mediator and facilitator. She is a highly sought-after consultant and a dynamic speaker focused on helping audiences engage, get inspired, and walk away with ready-to-implement solutions for their professional challenges.

Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Global & Cultural Effectiveness
HR Expertise
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