Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Show Me Where My Bias Falls

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition

When we speak of building a more inclusive environment in the workplace, oftentimes we look at the general assumed biases of the collective group or known biases of individuals. This session takes a deeper look at exploring our own internal biases—recognized or unrecognized, and how this self-assessment can impact effectively working with others. The session also provides attendees the opportunity to bring forth the areas where they feel others may have bias toward them, with the approach of “I am more than my …”, as we build a culture that allows for transparency and vulnerability.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Sunday, June 28, 2020 - 11:40am to 11:58am

Ashley Dugger, SHRM-CP

Dugger, SHRM-CP

Dr. Ashley Dugger started her career in higher education over 14 years ago in admissions/enrollment management. She has focused her professional career in operational leadership and human resources management, and holds a Doctorate of Business Administration, as well as her SHRM-CP certification.  In 2018 she was selected as one of twelve participants from a nationwide search for higher ed HR professionals to participate in CUPA-HR’s Wildfire program. She joined WGU as the Program Chair for the HR Management degree in February of 2019.

Nicole Whitehead


Dr. Whitehead, a certified SHRM and diversity practitioner is a versatile and award-winning senior leader, speaker, strategist, mediator, mentor and coach with over 25 years’ experience in building high performing, inclusive teams. Dr. Whitehead has excelled at "people" work across industries, leading strategic organizational change as well as providing consulting expertise to corporate, non-profit and higher education sectors. Dr. Whitehead has been called a “inclusionist” due to her unique approach to systemic humanity throughout the employee life cycle. Honing her lens of systemic humanity as the “willful interrogation of every element of our “system” of being, acting, communicating and providing access to resources that reflect the foundational belief that all people hold value that is solely connected to their humanity” has helped her “meet employees at all levels, where they are”. A John Maxwell certified coach and leader; Nicole holds several degrees and certifications, however her passion for utilizing her experiences to evolve culture and climate through transformative leadership.

Session Type: 
Smart Stage
Global & Cultural Effectiveness
Relationship Management
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