The Policies and Procedures for Your Workplace Drug/Alcohol Testing Plan That Will Keep You from Getting Smoked in Your State

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition
Gain a better understanding of the evolving landscape of marijuana laws and how your company should be adjusting its policies and procedures to align with these new laws.

Drug and marijuana laws are changing rapidly and differing across states. HR professionals are finding it a challenge to navigate laws and stay informed of the latest drug-testing policies and procedures. In this half-day workshop, you get the tools you need to review and update your workplace drug and alcohol policies and understand the procedures that need to be put into place to adhere to those policies. In the presentation portion, you learn a high-level state of affairs, state-by-state comparisons, general risk data and relevant case studies. It is followed by an interactive working session with peers to review current policies and draft updated versions. You will be asked to bring copies of your current policies for the working session.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn where we stand today with marijuana and CBD laws.
  • Understand the importance of drug testing policies AND procedures: It’s not as hard as you might think!
  • Learn the key components to a drug and alcohol testing policy that will meet the requirements of your state laws.
  • Understand drug testing policies and the correlation to job descriptions.
  • Participate in working sessions designed to assist you with building the right program for your company to mitigate your risk and make you the corporate hero.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Sunday, June 28, 2020 - 8:00am to 12:00pm

John Constantine

Additional Fee & Registration Required
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
Session Type: 
Preconference Workshop
HR Expertise
Leadership & Navigation
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