Technology Meets HR: Selecting and Justifying the Right Solution

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition
The only thing worse than no technical HR solution is picking the wrong one.

Technology can help free you from administrivia so you can focus on strategic goals.  Learn a seven-step framework to use to select the right technical solution, and how to justify the investment to decision makers by writing an effective business case.  Find out how to analyze the structure of a business case, explore your needs to support HR, and discover why technology is important to HR. In addition, learn how to calculate ROI to support your business case.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand a seven-step process for selecting software (i.e., HRMS).
  • Describe the components of a business case.
  • Apply three types of return on investment (ROI) calculations.
  • Know how to calculate financial ROI of an HRMS implementation.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2020 - 1:30pm to 2:45pm

Joe Rotella, SHRM-SCP


 Joe is a leading thinker in managing and motivating people. He’s passionate about helping organizations achieve their vision through effective performance management.

 He’s a top-rated SHRM speaker and serves as Chief Value Officer for Delphia Consulting, a national HR and Payroll software consulting firm based in Columbus, Ohio. Joe is the co-creator of miviva, a continuous performance management application.

 Joe has over 30 years of experience and serves as VP of Professional Development on the Human Resources Association of Central Ohio (HRACO) Board of Directors. Joe is a cited contributor to the SHRM Learning System.






Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Business Acumen
Critical Evaluation
Leadership & Navigation
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