Winning the Healthcare Battle: 9 Strategies to Lower Your Healthcare Spend by Millions

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition
Thinking outside the box allows employers to take control of spiraling health insurance costs.

The "magic bullet" from healthcare reform hasn't appeared. The broker hasn’t delivered a viable solution to control our employer healthcare costs. Until employers take control of the situation and implement healthcare reform from the INSIDE, nothing will change. Join Dr. Wade Larson as he shares strategies that have proven to save millions for his own employer healthcare plans as employers partner with employees by helping them to share in the cost savings as well.  From the free and simple to more robust and immersive, Larson shares all the secrets that have worked for him.

Learning Objectives:

  • The essential elements necessary to an effective "comprehensive" strategy to address the total cost of healthcare.
  • The four most common barriers that prevent leadership from taking the first steps to making the changes necessary to take control of healthcare spending and outcomes.
  • At least 9 strategies that can provide the biggest "bang for the buck" to take control of the annual healthcare spend by engaging employees in controlling claims costs through effective consumerism.
  • How to incorporate effective onsite wellness strategies as the long-term solution to avoid healthcare costs and involve dependents in the push for greater health.
  • The role of incentives and the ROI of investment.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Wednesday, July 1, 2020 - 9:15am to 10:15am

Wade Larson


Dr. Wade Larson is a workforce consultant and human resources executive with 30-years of experience in strategy, leadership enablement, and talent management. His    expertise in HR and leadership helps organizations improve structures, culture, management, and leadership to achieve their goals. As an international speaker, published author, and professor, he strives to help others achieve the best versions of themselves. Wade has worked with hundreds of organizations and thousands of leaders to shift mindsets, innovate programs, and lead change that helps them do more, achieve more, and live their best lives.


Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
HR Expertise
Leadership & Navigation
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