Café Civili-tea Lounge and Workshops
Relax and enjoy civil conversations brewed to perfection at Café Civili-tea where you can connect with and explore SHRM’s 1 Million Civil Conversations initiative. There will be 15 minute Civility Workshops lead by Inclusivv where you can learn the essential skills for fostering civil conversations at work. Learn how to turn discord into dialogue to foster respect and empathy that allow people and business to thrive, and walk away with valuable toolkits, resources and programs you can implement immediately within your organization. Workshops will occur every hour, from 10am to 3:15pm CT, Sunday through Tuesday.
Speaker: Jenn Graham
Jenn Graham is the Founder and CEO of Inclusivv, bringing diverse voices together for impactful conversations. As a designer, community organizer, and entrepreneur, she has built Inclusivv into the "go-to" resource with a library of over 50 topics and a global action platform. Jenn’s leadership earned Inclusivv a finalist spot in the 2022 SHRMLabs Better Workplaces Challenge Cup. Her TED talk on finding common ground highlights how conversation can bridge differences. Recognized as a “2020 World-Changing Woman in Conscious Business” and the Atlanta Business Chronicle's “Small Business Person of the Year – Rising Star” in 2019, Jenn drives social change through meaningful dialogue.
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