Wellness Session, Self-Care at Work: Building Mental Resilience and Reducing Stress
Seating Instructions: Seating is first-come, first-served. Reserved seating options are available for accessibility and accommodations. For detailed accessibility information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.
Join us for an empowering session where we redefine self-care in the workplace. Traditionally viewed as a preventive measure confined to before and after work hours, self-care is vital to maintaining peak performance throughout your workday. This session will equip you with practical strategies to cultivate positive mental health, manage stress effectively, and silence the inner critic that often leads to burnout. Learn how to integrate self-care seamlessly into your daily routine and be your best self at work.
Direct Link to Session Materials: If the speaker provides session materials, you can access them via the app, web format or at https://presentations.shrm.org/. Accessibility & Accommodations Information: For detailed accessibility & accommodations information, visit INFO > FAQs in the app.
Michael Dickerson

Michael Dickerson is the CEO and Founder of Dickerson Consulting Group LLC, a human resource consulting firm specializing in stress management, workplace mental health and employee wellbeing. He worked 13+ years as a mental health professional. Michael holds a certificate in Applied Positive Psychology from the Flourishing Center in New York. His ultimate mission? To help leaders create a culture of wellbeing — so employees can uncover their strengths, find meaning, and flourish at work. He is the author of a new book “Struggle Well at Work: Positive Mental Health Strategies for a Flourishing Workforce.”
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