Recruit and Retain Military Service Members: Shifting from Veteran-Friendly to Veteran-Ready

Inclusion 2020
Understand how organizations can become veteran-ready and support the success of veterans' careers while boosting the business' competitive advantage.

The world and the workplace have shifted dramatically as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. A significant number of corporations paused their efforts focused on building inclusive workplaces. The expectation among most corporate leaders is to 'restart' their I&D efforts after the business climate returns to normal. Newsflash, disruptions are the new normal! The pausing of inclusion efforts provides for a strong indication of its perceived value. This session will provide executives and HR decision makers with specific strategies to ensure that inclusion is viewed as integral to any viable business strategy.

Learning Objectives:

  • The difference between veteran-friendly vs. veteran-ready
  • Why companies should strive to be veteran-ready
  • The insights and learnings Microsoft have found as we became veteran-ready through the Microsoft Software & Systems Academy*
  • The steps any company can take to become veteran-ready 

*Microsoft Software & Systems Academy (MSSA) provides the veteran community with an 18-week (or two 9-week terms) training for high-demand careers in cloud development, server and cloud administration, and cyber-security administration.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, October 19, 2020 - 1:00pm to 1:20pm

Chris Cortez


As vice president of Military Affairs at Microsoft, Chris Cortez leads the company’s engagement with veterans and military families as part of its focus on inspiring and developing former service members for roles in the IT industry. Chris’ responsibilities touch STEM education, veteran community engagement, high-tech training and employment of veterans. His team’s mission is to lead and challenge the technology industry to fill the IT pipeline with former service members. Chris is an advocate for Microsoft employees who have served in the military and is executive sponsor of the Military Veterans at Microsoft Employee Resource Group. Retired Major General Cortez served for more than 33 years in the U.S. Marine Corps and has worked at Microsoft since 2006.



Session Type: 
Smart Stage
Intended Audience: 
All Levels
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