The New Workforce: Social Networks, Internet Revolutions and Hypertext Thinking
Our newest workers have developed hypertext minds that leap around with cognitive structures that are parallel, not sequential. Are we ready for them? Do we know what their ideal workplace looks like, or the organizations they most admire? Might we have to teach social skills to a group that, at graduation, have spent 11,000 hours in school and 15,000 hours watching TV? This multimedia session will encourage audience participation with interactive exercises, humorous video clips and graphic visuals. You will also leave with ideas from the research that the FutureWorks Institute (FWI) has gathered from organizations that have developed innovative practices to build relationships and engage this generation.
Margaret A. Regan
Margaret Regan is President & CEO of The FutureWork Institute, a global consulting firm that translates future trends to transform organizations. She helps clients achieve a MindShift, HeartShift and SkillShift in creating more inclusive/flexible workplaces. She has worked on HR and generational practices in Asia, mergers in Europe, cross-cultural executive education and women’s studies on four continents. She has appeared on NBC-TV’s "Today Show", "CBS This Morning", "NBC Nightly News" and CNN. She is featured on "Close-Up TV" as the CEO of one of the most innovative businesses in the U.S., in CNN/Money as the expert on future workplace trends and in Business Week for FutureWork’s creative approach to “my-job my-way, “my-business our way” and “my perks my-way.” She received the Diversity Innovation Award for this and for her ground-breaking work on diversity education in the virtual world.
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