What Diverse Schools Can Teach Us About the Diverse Workforce

SHRM 2012 Diversity & Inclusion Conference & Exposition
This session will share lessons from schools and universities that can inform and inspire you as you seek to both solidify the business case for diversity and create workplaces that value and leverage difference.

Diversity has been a fact of life in schools in the U.S. and other countries for decades. Educational leaders have come to recognize this as a strength that benefits every student. Research reveals that students in diverse schools think more deeply, collaborate more effectively, and are better problem solvers—but only in an environment that authentically values diverse perspectives. Innovative approaches are required to create this type of environment, both in schools and in business. Learn how these new approaches begin with an awareness of one’s own unique “individual culture,” a complex web of interconnected experiences and influences. Gain an understanding about your own individual culture to begin the critical introspection that is needed to foster an inclusive respectful workplace, moving from the “us” and “them” approach.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Wednesday, October 24, 2012 - 9:30am to 10:45am

Eileen Gale Kugler

Eileen Gale

Eileen Gale Kugler is a global speaker and consultant strengthening diverse worksites, schools, and communities. She breaks through dangerous myth-perceptions and shares strategies for building on the unique opportunities that diversity brings. Eileen is author of the award-winning Debunking the Middle Class Myth: Why Diverse Schools are Good for All Kids and executive editor of the newly released Innovative Voices in Education: Engaging Diverse Communities. Eileen’s articles and commentaries appear in wide-ranging publications, including USA Today and the Washington Post, Educational Leadership, and Education Week. Her family’s volunteer work supporting literacy in South Africa, including creating a 25,000-book library for a rural school, was featured in The Washington Post and on Voice of America television.

Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile - 6th Floor, Purdue/Wisconsin
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
HR Credit
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
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