Conflict, Aikido & the HR Professional

SHRM 2015 Annual Conference

How often do you face conflict? When it occurs, do you typically go “fight” or do you go “flight”? Learn an alternative to fight or flight: verbal Aikido. Instead of being intimidated (flight) or escalating hostilities (fight), Aikido shows you how to remain centered and balanced, and able to redirect your attacker’s energy to a safe place. Verbal Aikido will enable you to defuse anger and find common ground. It will help you find solutions so that your relationships prosper rather than fall apart.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2015 - 1:00pm to 1:18pm

Jathan Janove


Jathan Janove, a former state bar Employment Lawyer of the Year and now Executive Coach and Organization Development consultant, writes SHRM’s “Putting Humanity into HR Compliance” column, and is a Master Coach and Practice Leader with the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching organization, including writing its Ask the Coach column. He’s the author, most recently, of “Hard-Won Wisdom: True Stories From The Management Trenches” (HarperCollins 2017). He’s currently working on his next book, “From Compliance Cop to Culture Coach: Transforming the HR Profession.

Smart Stage, Connection Zone
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