Disability = Diversity: Create an Inclusive Culture that Engages a Workforce with Diverse Abilities

SHRM 2015 Annual Conference
Learn business strategies and principles for bringing together a diverse mix of employees to create an inclusive workplace.

Mixing more than 2,000 employees - 80% with a disability, 31 nationalities and 28 languages may not exactly sound like a recipe for workforce success. But if you are open-minded and flexible, you can create a culture of passionate and engaged employees committed to inclusiveness and high performance. Learn how this six-time Sloan Award Winner for Excellence in Workplace Flexibility blends this unusual mix with a work culture centered on principles of respect, dignity, and high business standards across five business lines. Leave with practical, reasonable and realistic ways to incorporate accommodations and flexible business practices to support every employee in reaching their fullest potential.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, June 30, 2015 - 10:45am to 12:00pm

Shavonne Singleton


Shavonne Singleton is the Public Relations Specialist and has been with Peckham since 2008. Singleton assists with the coordination and management of internal and external communications, and works closely with the Human Resources team to devise strategies and plans on how to engage Peckham's diverse workforce. Singleton has a Master's Degree in Public Relations from Boston University. 


Sarah George


Sarah George is the Organizational Employment Manager and has been with Peckham since 1999. George provides coordination and guidance to a team of 30+ vocational services professionals who support persons with disabilities and other barriers to employment participating in Peckham's Organizational Employment programs. George has a Master's Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Michigan State University.

LVCC N206-208
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
HR Credit
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
HR Expertise
Global & Cultural Effectiveness
Intended Audience: 
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