Igniting Innovation: HR's Inside Track to Redefining Sustainability
Reinvention has become a given in how we operate our organizations in today's environment of rapid change. However, it is becoming a less effective differentiator as the pace of change in many industries is moving faster than incremental improvements can keep up. What is more critical for operating a profitable and sustainable enterprise? Innovation. What is at the heart of innovation? Organizational culture? Who is uniquely positioned to influence culture? You are. Batie will show you how to: · Reshape your organizational culture and climate and the tensions that hinder innovation. · Generate, select and launch new ideas that lead to growth. · Position innovation as a discipline while moving beyond strategic planning, ideation and brainstorming.
LaFern K. Batie

As a Business Strategist and Executive Coach, LaFern Batie leads The Batie Group, LLC, a business consulting and leadership development firm serving organizations around the globe. With extensive Fortune 500 corporate leadership experience and widely recognized expertise, she works with international organizations and leaders across diverse industries to maximize their collective and individual performance. Leaders value her high business acumen, ability to quickly connect with teams, thorough and efficient approach to identifying challenges and commitment to helping them achieve results that exceed their expectations.
Follow LaFern on Twitter @LaFernBatie.
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- MEGA SESSION Leverage Culture for Strategic HR Transformation
- MEGA SESSION: CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? Relationship Management at Work & Why the Golden Rule is Wrong
- MEGA SESSION: First Day Mindset Every Day
- MEGA SESSION: Hide Your Goat™: Strategies to Stay Positive When Negativity Surrounds You
- MEGA SESSION: Making a Difference™: A Matter of Purpose, Passion and Pride
- MEGA SESSION: ONCE UPON A TIME: Four Steps to Using Storytelling to Deliver Unforgettable Presentations
- MEGA SESSION: People-Centered Leadership Through HR
- MEGA SESSION: Your Leadership Story: How to Use Your Story to Transform Your Leadership