Leaves as Reasonable Accommodation: How Much Is Enough and Is Anything Unreasonable?
Common mistakes in addressing employee leave and in using third parties to administer FMLA leave are all too easy for employers to make. This session will identify those mistakes, provide compliance guidance under both the FMLA and the ADA, and address how to avoid litigation pitfalls while effectively managing your workforce. This session will help you: · Understand the developing parameters of ADA reasonable accommodation leave including temporary and pregnancy-related conditions. · Develop policy and internal guidance to ensure the interactive process on leave determinations. · Apply individualized analysis on required duration of leave and the undue hardship factors. · Equip managers to continue operations during employee job-protected absences.
Penny C. Wofford

Penny Wofford is a South Carolina Supreme Court Certified Specialist in Employment and Labor Law. She concentrates her practice in the area of employment litigation and employee benefits. She advises and defends employers, employer sponsored plans, and plan fiduciaries against all types of claims under ERISA and employment discrimination laws. Penny not only provides proactive counseling and legal advice to employers and management regarding human resources issues but also assists employers with the design, drafting, and administration of welfare benefit plans. Penny is a frequent speaker on employee benefits and employee leave topics and regularly provides company and supervisor training on employment discrimination, documentation and confidentiality.
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