MEGA SESSION: The Leader's Legacy: Managing Your Impact on Your Company's Culture

SHRM 2015 Annual Conference
Gain valuable tools that will help you take a proactive approach to creating a legacy that drives the right culture.

Leadership is constantly on the minds of business because leaders shape, steer, and define a culture. You will gain better insight into how company culture is created and the impact a leader has on those around him/her. You will learn valuable tools that will help you take a proactive approach to creating a legacy. This session will help you: · Define "The Leader's Legacy" and how it applies to company culture. · Identify the current legacy and articulate the impact it is having on your organization. · Gain insight into how company culture is created and influenced by leadership.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2015 - 4:00pm to 5:15pm

Mary Faulkner


Mary Faulkner is a talent strategist and business leader with 15 years' experience in helping organizations achieve their goals. After working on the Operations side of start-ups and small companies, Mary landed in HR by way of learning and development, with extensive experience in leadership and organizational development, coaching, key talent planning, talent acquisition, performance management, business partnering, HRIS, process and policy creation, and instructional design.

In addition to her work within companies, Mary authors a leadership development blog ( to continue the dialogue around the challenges of leadership - both being a leader AND being led. 

Mary is also the co-chair of the Denver chapter of DisruptHR - a new way to network and think about people and work.

LVCC N245-251
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
Business Credit
Session Type: 
Mega Session
Leadership & Navigation
HR Expertise
Intended Audience: 
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