MEGA SESSION: Leadership Is About Purpose, Not Position: How to Build the Capability to Drive the Results You Need

SHRM 2015 Annual Conference
Learn how you can increase the capability, readiness and agility to drive major transformation or improvement in how your organization creates results.

Achieving THE breakthroughs we want for our organizations is based on the three critical factors: approach, processes and people. The impact is having people at every level take ownership for how to drive breakthrough results and capability that everyone WILL replicate going forward.

  • Approach. This session will help you align your infrastructure for how people are supposed to succeed with the business model for how you best create value and grow as a result.
  • Processes. Learn a simple approach to evaluate any individual or processes against specific results and how to mobilize people to buy into and execute on improving them the way they need to be to drive your organization to be the more efficient and productive.
  • People. Implement a more adaptable and precision based system for evaluating and improving people throughout the year not just for year-end reviews that will target real pain points for your organization and drive solutions more efficiently.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2015 - 7:00am to 8:15am

Jack Gottlieb


Jack Gottlieb, a seasoned senior executive, brings 20+ years of experience in organizational transformation as CEO of Total Solutions Group a strategic consulting and results based training firm.. Known for aligning culture, strategy, and capability to meet short- and long-term objectives, TSG has driven $3.25 billion in ROI for clients including Bosch, Johnson Controls, TE Connectivity, Microsoft, Novartis, Highmark Health, and Mountain America Credit Union. Jack is also the Vice President of Global Capability & Transformation at a market leading test lab in the gaming industry.  

Jack has been one of the top rated speakers and thought leaders for SHRM both at annual and state council conferences. Jack also hosts the successful "L&D Transformation Podcast: How To Lead The Future Of Our Organizations Through Talent Development” which is in season 3  with over 100 episodes.


Westgate Pavilion 10
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
HR Credit
Session Type: 
Mega Session
Leadership & Navigation
Critical Evaluation
Business Acumen
Intended Audience: 
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