Take Your But Out of Your Apology - Apply the MIDAS Touch

SHRM 2015 Annual Conference

How many relationship wounds would heal if someone apologized? Yet how often has a healing opportunity been ruined by a bad apology? This presentation will provide you with a tool that will ensure that your apologies heal wounds vs. make them worse and ultimately help you build better relationships.    

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 11:50am to 12:08pm

Jathan Janove


Jathan Janove, a former state bar Employment Lawyer of the Year and now Executive Coach and Organization Development consultant, writes SHRM’s “Putting Humanity into HR Compliance” column, and is a Master Coach and Practice Leader with the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching organization, including writing its Ask the Coach column. He’s the author, most recently, of “Hard-Won Wisdom: True Stories From The Management Trenches” (HarperCollins 2017). He’s currently working on his next book, “From Compliance Cop to Culture Coach: Transforming the HR Profession.

Smart Stage, Connection Zone
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