Teamwork That Makes The Dreamwork

SHRM 2015 Annual Conference
This session will teach you the innovative secrets to creating effective teamwork practices that increase organizational and individual productivity.

 In order for teams to be effective, it takes effective leadership, understanding of personality styles, organizational synergy and a plan of action. This session will help you better understand specific strategies designed to enhance team progress as well as improve your ability to communicate team goals and objectives. Andrews will show you how to overcome barriers to team goals and objective and increase productivity and synergy. This session will shed light on effective best practices in a motivational yet informational way to motivate and inspire leaders to make teambuilding a priority.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Wednesday, July 1, 2015 - 10:00am to 11:15am

Darrell "Coach D" Andrews, CSP

Darrell "Coach D"
Andrews, CSP

Darrell “Coach D” Andrews, CSP (Certified Professional Speaker) is known by corporations and organizations worldwide as “America’s Passion Coach.” He is one of less than 600 Certified Speaking Professionals worldwide which means that by selecting Coach D to speak at your event you are choosing someone who has met the speaking industry's international measure of professional platform skills. His passionate speeches, professional development workshops and coaching sessions are designed to help individuals become introspective when considering changes needed to improve workplace performance. He customizes all of his events to assure that your needs, whether it’s a company or conference keynote speech, staff development, or an individual coaching session, are met.

Westgate Ballroom C
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
HR Credit
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Relationship Management
HR Expertise
Intended Audience: 
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