MEGA SESSION Nine Minutes on Monday: The Quick and Easy Way to Turn Managers Into Leaders
SHRM 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition
This session will give you a quick and simple blueprint to help you increase the engagement, motivation and productivity of your staff.
PowerPoints/Handouts Available
Managers around the world are feeling the pressure of having too many plates to spin. By following the Nine Minutes on Monday formula, you will see an increase in employee engagement, a greater loyalty in your staff, and higher morale among your team. This session will show you:
- A simple system to keep leadership priorities in front of you.
- The nine employee needs which lead to higher employee engagement and productivity.
- Three simple questions to help create more purposeful workplaces.
- The three essential ingredients employees need to make their jobs more motivational.
- How to increase an employee's sense of autonomy at work.
Date(s) & Time(s):
Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - 7:00am to 8:15am
James Robbins
James is a rare mix of management consultant, change specialist, adventurer and motivational speaker. James helps turn busy and over-worked managers into inspirational leaders.
Convention Center: 146
Amount of Credit:
Credit Type:
•HR Credit
Session Type:
Mega Session
Relationship Management
Leadership & Navigation
Intended Audience:
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